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Friday, May 10, 2019

Last Spring Meeting -- May 17

For our LAST meeting, for Spring 2019, we will be at the Eastside Branch of the Lexington Public Library, 9:45am-11:45am, May 17.  The place is on Palumbo!

Our topic this week may be selected from the following (the first item is the planned topic):
-- Cultural Impacts on Communication
-- Does leadership limit freedom?
-- Transparency -- Is it possible?
-- Bibliotherapy.  Class members could select/share books that have had a significant influence on their lives
-- Science?  Concrete thing or abstract thought?

If you have suggestions, or if you want to add to the list, please write me --

Kentucky Derby

Kentucky Derby 2019 Outcome

Personal SWOT Analysis

Personal SWOT Analysis

What Is A Trigger?

7 Simple Ways to Deal With a Disagreement Effectively

7 Simple Ways to Deal With a Disagreement Effectively

Friday, May 3, 2019

Next Meeting -- May 10

For our next meeting, for Spring 2019, we will be at the Eastside Branch of the Lexington Public Library, 9:45am-11:45am, May 10.  The place is on Palumbo!

Our topic this week may be selected from the following (the first item is the planned topic):

-- Constructive disagreement
-- Cultural Impacts on Communication
-- Does leadership limit freedom?
-- Transparency -- Is it possible?
-- Bibliotherapy.  Class members could select/share books that have had a significant influence on their lives
-- Science?  Concrete thing or abstract thought?

If you have suggestions, or if you want to add to the list, please write me --

Short vs Long

The art of economics consists in looking not merely at the immediate but at the longer effects of any act or policy; it consists in tracing the consequences of that policy not merely for one group but for all groups.

 -- Henry Hazlitt

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Next Meeting -- May 3

For our next meeting, for Spring 2019, we will be at the Eastside Branch of the Lexington Public Library, 9:45am-11:45am, May 3.  The place is on Palumbo!

Our topic this week may be selected from the following (the first item is the planned topic):

-- Short Term vs Long Term 
-- Constructive disagreement
-- Cultural Impacts on Communication
-- Does leadership limit freedom?
-- Transparency -- Is it possible?
-- Bibliotherapy.  Class members could select/share books that have had a significant influence on their lives
-- Science?  Concrete thing or abstract thought?

If you have suggestions, or if you want to add to the list, please write me --